Wit Studios new anime series, Great Pretender, is a unique series that has been described as a series about a swindler named Makoto Edamura, who, with his partner Kudo, try to swindle the wrong man and end up getting tricked themselves. To make matters worse, the duo finds that this man has ties to the mafia, which leaves Makoto in a situation he did not quite expect. The series brings a silver tongued swagger to its animation that can be seen in some of its early footage.
After the release of the trailer, it was announced that there would be a Youtube and Periscope event where fans can celebrate the release with the cast and crew. The meeting will feature director Hiro Kaburagi and writer Ryota Kosawa. The voice actors that will be present will be Chikai Kobayashi and Junichi Suwabe; who voice Makoto and Rolan Thierry, respectively.
One of the awesome new reveals that have come with the series is the announcement of the opening theme. A video was recently released that shows off a sing along to Freddie Mercury's hit song "The Great Pretender" not only does the series have an amazing rock icon as their theme, this marks the first time the late singer has been apart of any anime! Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new series? Planning on joing the opening event? Great Pretender's premiere watch party is set to release on June 2nd, the same day as the series early Netflix release (where it will release the first five episodes)! The series will begin releasing on Japanese TV on July 8th!