GRIMMS NOTES Anime Series Adaptation Reveals Release Date
The anime series adaptation of authors Takashi Ooizumi and Mikine Minori's fantasy novel, Grimms Notes, has shared its official release date. Here is more information on the project.
The official TBS website has shared the official release date of the anime series adaptation of authors Takashi Ooizumi and Mikine Minori's Grimms Notes novel. The anime will launch on January 2019 and has staff and cast information on Japanese.
The video game that inspired this anime series is a mobile game developed by Square Enix and launched on January 20, 2016. It is available for both iOS and Android devices. The voice cast includes: Ryota Osaka as Ekusu, Rein Ueda as Reina, Miyu Kubota as Shane, Takuya Eguchi as Tao, Kengo Kawanishi as clovis, Shiori Izawa as Third, Yukiyo Fujii as Adah and Yuu Serrizawa as Fam.
The novel that inspired by the game published on May 15, 2017 and only has 1 volume with 3 chapters. Takashi Ooizumi wrote the story and Mikine Minori draws the art. The main characters include: Ex, Tao, Shane and Reina.