Initially released as a manga by Yasutaka Fujimi, RED ICE, Shu Hirose, The Island of Giant Insects is a survival horror story about a group of students who wash ashore on an island inhabited by giant ravenous insects. In the story, anything goes, and no one is safe on this dangerous island.
Before any films came into play, an OVA released for home video back in 2019 and even streamed at the Crunchyroll Expo that same year! Also, this past January saw the release of the full anime film that was directed by Takeo Takahashi at Passione.
Since the release of the anime, a Kickstarter has begun for an English dub release of the film that has officially made its way to round 2! During the campaign, various goodies have been offered to those that donate, which include anything from merch, credits, Blu-rays, and even shirts. Recently, an announcement was made that, as the dub comes closer to reality, a new voice actress has been added to the series in Michaela Laws, who will voice Emiko Miyazono for the film.
While there is still a lot of work to be done for the series, the odds of the Kickstarter reaching its goal are higher than ever before! Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments below!
The survival horror story begins when Mutsumi Oribe and her classmates are flying for a school field trip, and their plane crashes. They drift onto an island dominated by giant insects. The tagline for the anime is, "On that island … humans are merely insect fodder."
Round 2 of the Kickstarter for The Island of Giant Insects ends on September 1st!