Last July, the animation studio Kyoto Animation was forced to deal with a devastating arson attack that, of the 70 people in the building, 36 were killed, and 33 were injured. The animation studio building was also forced to be demolished due to extensive damage.
The studio has been known for bringing to life some fantastic animated series and films, most of which have branched off into different and equally successful mediums. Some of the studio's projects include Violet Evergarden, Free!, Sound! Euphonium and K-ON.
Due to the struggles that the studio has endured, multiple projects were forced to be postponed. However, the studio is still hard at work on its most recent project, Violet Evergarden: The Movie, which is officially releasing this year!
Recently, the studio has begun to bounce back indeed and has even started to accept applications for multiple positions within the company! The positions include managers, animators, and systems engineers, for both fixed-term and year-round periods, along with many other positions!
Applications are also being accepted for enrolling in the Animation DO training program for high school graduates from 18 to 25 years old! The window for applying runs from October 3rd, 2020, to September 25th, 2021. While applications are being accepted, recruitment has been postponed due to COVID-19.
With the company beginning to bounce back and offer more opportunities for creators, it's only a matter of time before Kyoto Animation is back on its feet. Don't forget to share your thoughts on the news in the usual spot!
Kyoto Animation is now accepting applications!