Marchen Madchen is a series that premiered mid January, last year. The series airs in Japan and also on
Crunchyroll which describes the show as: "
This is a story about girls (called "Maedchen") who are selected by “Origin”. They attend school of witchcraft located all over the world to wield their magic and become first-rate “Origin Masters”. Their goal is to win at the annual Hexennacht competition, where representatives of each school compete in their abilities to wield their magic. The winner of the competition gets to have one wish magically granted. Due to lack of members, there were concerns that Japan might not be able to attend the annual competition this year. However, things start to change when one day Shizuka Tsuchimikado, the leader of Japan meets Hazuki Kagimura, a high school student who loves reading and daydreaming. For some reason, Hazuki, a loner who doesn't have many friends is chosen by the Origin “Cinderella” which possesses strong power. She begins her new life at school of witchcraft. The girls practice to wield their magic with “Cinderella” to win the championship while sometimes they enjoy soaking in hot spring baths; their battles are about to start!" The series has become very successful and because of that, the desire to deliver the best quality of show to the viewer, is paramount for the creators.
According to the series website, the final two episodes of the anime have been delayed "due to circumstances", which cause its release to come in April or later. With that news it was also announced that some of the more recent, unreleased, Blu-Ray volumes have also been delayed, by at least a couple of months, to improve quality and animation and fix corrections. While the circumstances haven't been released and may seem odd. We as the viewers will be forced to wait out the series to its end. Curious as to the delay? Share your thoughts in the usual spot.