In 2004, Yoshiyuki Nishi launched that manga series, Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation, in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The series ran for four successful years, publishing 18 compiled volumes.
Ten years after the book's conclusion, the long-overdue anime adaption was released, from Studio Deen. The first season ran for 12 episodes and can be viewed on Crunchyroll. The show was a hit upon release and promised a fun a much more quirky take on the supernatural genre.
That series also saw the release of the manga's sequel series, however, that series only ran for about a year before concluding. As of now, fans of the series are patiently awaiting the premiere of the anime's second season.
Coming this summer, the series will be streaming on Funimation, while also featuring an English dub. The new season will feature new characters and some intense battles. One of which as been showcased on the series' official Twitter. The video features highlights of Muhyo fighting Goryo in the first, "battle selection promotional videos".
As the release approaches, three more promotional videos will be released, to help build excitement for the premiere. Make sure to check out the footage below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Are you a victim of unwanted spirit possession? Is there a ghost you need sent up and away...or down to burn for all eternity? If the answer is yes, then you need Muhyo and Roji, experts in magic law. Serving justice to evil spirits is their specialty.
Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation season 2 will premiere on July 7th!