The team at Netflix has officially announced a brand-new anime series – produced by brothers Joe and Anthony Russo, the renowned director duo responsible for Marvel Studios' juggernauts Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame – based on the world-famous Magic: The Gathering card game.
"More fans are enjoying Magic now than at any time in its 25-year history, thanks to the enduring popularity of the tabletop game and our latest release War of the Spark, as well as the incredible success of our new digital game, Magic: The Gathering Arena," Wizards of the Coast President Chris Cocks said. "We’re thrilled to collaborate with Joe and Anthony Russo to bring Magic: The Gathering’s rich and diverse cast of characters and worlds to Netflix in a way that will delight our many fans and those new to the franchise."
"Magic is a beloved global franchise with a massively engaged fan base that has only continued to grow over the last 25 years,” Head of Anime Programming at Netflix John Derderian added. "There’s no one better suited to bring this story to audiences around the world than Joe and Anthony Russo, whose talent for genre storytelling is unmatched, as demonstrated by their central role in creating some of the biggest box office hits of all time."
The upcoming series will be written and produced by Henry Gilroy (Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars: The Clone Wars) and Jose Molina (The Tick, Agent Carter) – and while Magic: The Gathering will be overseen by the team at Wizards of the Coast, the writers will reportedly be able to take the series in a completely unique and never-before-seen direction. Netflix has not determined its episode order yet.