Released in Square Enix's Monthly Shōnen Gangan magazine, Talentless Nana is a series created by Looseboy and Iori Furuya. The series follows a group of super-powered students who train on an isolated island to stop a dangerous threat.
The series has been a hit as it continues to be published and has even been translated in English! It wasn't long after its release that an anime was later confirmed to be in production.
While the manga only features six volumes, so far, that is more than enough content for the anime to adapt, and with multiple trailers released, it looks to be as faithful as possible! Ahead of its October release, a brand new commercial also began streaming for the show that reveals some new footage.
It is looking like this new series is going to be yet another hit for fans of anime! We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out the video below!
An academy on an island in unnavigable waters. There, students trained tirelessly, to fight back against the enemies of humanity. The protagonist, a student newly transferred there, also sets out with the intention of eradicating all enemies of humankind. An unpredictable, intellectual suspense story of justice and evil.
Talentless Nana releases in Japan on October 4th!