The anime director who is appropriately nicknamed "Cinematic Magician" passed away on Friday due to his lasting battle with lung cancer. At the age of 82, the director passed away ahead of his latest release Labyrinth of Cinema which was originally slated to release on Friday but was tragically pushed back because of the current virus situation, and unfortunately Obayashi won't be able to see his work debut.
Nobuhiko Obayashi was originally diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer all the way back in 2016. Having been given mere months to live, the director exceeded expectations and continued his work for the next several years. Justy this past October he was quoted to have said "I want to continue making films for the next 3000 years" at the Tokyo International Film Festival.
As a talented and recognized director, Obayashi was a recipient of the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2004 and the Order of Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette award in 2006. 2019 saw the Japanese Government recognize the director as a recipient of Personal Cultural Merit honor.
Obayashi created many films, adapting many manga stories into beautiful anime movies. Check out the trailer and synopsis of one of the most famous of his works, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time below.
Something strange has happened to Makoto Konno. Time has suddenly stopped and moved her backwards. With her newly discovered ability to literally leap backwards in time Makoto finds that tests become a piece of cake, embarrassing situations are corrected, and she can have her favorite food anytime she wants. Unfortunately, her carefree time traveling has adverse effects on the people she cares for.