Yongje Park's manhwa series, The God of High School, is a series that became part of the WEBTOON comic platform, in Korea. The series has been a massive hit among fans and tells the story of high school students that decide to join a tournament where they must compete. However, the competition involves these students borrowing power from literal gods to achieve victory and hopefully achieve thier deepest desires. Yet, during this tournament the students find that there is much more nefarious conspiracies afoot.
The series originally premiered in WEBTOON back in 2014 and has been running ever since. The series is closely approaching 500 chapters, in fact. Recently, as other WEBTOON series make their way to the Crunchyroll platform, The God of High School also plans on coming to the streaming platform.
Being called a "Crunchyroll Original" the series is being developed by animation studio MAAPA. With that announcement, a brand new trailer for the series was also released! The new trailer features a toon of awesome new footage and also introduces the main cast of the series! Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new series? Interested in reading the manhwa? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! The God of High School is coming to Crunchyroll this summer!