Directed by Hiro Kaburagi at Wit Studios, the original anime series, The Great Pretender, tells the story of a con-man who gets in over his head when he tries to swindle a man who works closely with the mafia. Initially, the series premiered in Japan on Netflix this past June.
Already making a name for itself with its visual style and the use of Freddie Mercury's cover of "The Great Pretender" as the opening, the series released on regular Japanese television on July 8th. From there, the show continued to rise in popularity as the inevitable announcement that the series would go worldwide became more and more prevalent.
Now, thanks to an announcement by Netflix, The Great Pretender is officially getting its worldwide release later this summer! While not much is known as to the details, it looks like it will be a full drop to every country that has the service.
Hopefully, the series will release as a whole and not in parts so viewers will be able to binge the show. Make sure to share your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
Makoto Edamura is supposedly Japan's greatest swindler. Together with his partner Kudo, they try to trick a Frenchman in Asakusa but unexpectedly get tricked instead. The Frenchman, whom they tried to swindle, turns out to be Laurent Thierry- a much higher-level 'confidence man,' in control of the mafias. Edamura is yet to find out what fate awaits him, after having engaged in the Frenchman's dirty jobs...!
The Great Pretender is releasing on Netflix worldwide on August 20th!