This past month, Wit Studios created the anime series, The Great Pretender. The series tells the story of a con man who gets in over his head after trying to swindle a man with high-end connections to organized crime.
The series relies heavily on its suspense and comedy elements, which come together beautifully with each episode to create a hilarious and unique experience. Hiro Kaburagi has been tasked with directing the series, and Royota Kosawa is handling the scripts.
The series originally premiered on Netflix at the beginning of June and has released the first 14 episodes, with more listed as 'coming soon.' The series also marks the first time a song by Queen frontman Freddie Mercury has been used in an ending theme, with his cover of "The Great Pretender."
As the series gets closer and closer to its July premiere on Japanese television. The team at Wit Studios has decided to put together a new promotional video for viewers to see. The new video features some new footage and an official release date for the show. Make sure to check it out below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments section!
Makoto Edamura is supposedly Japan's greatest swindler. Together with his partner Kudo, they try to trick a Frenchman in Asakusa but unexpectedly get tricked instead. The Frenchman, whom they tried to swindle, turns out to be Laurent Thierry- a much higher-level 'confidence man,' in control of the mafias. Edamura is yet to find out what fate awaits him, after having engaged in the Frenchman's dirty jobs...!
The Great Pretender premieres on TV, in Japan, on July 8th!