In 2017, writer Shu and illustrator Yoshinori Shizuma launched the light novel series The Misfit of Demon Academy. The series tells the story of Anos Voldigoad, a demon king who reincarnates after 2000 years. Upon awakening, he finds that his powers have been severely diminished and peace has taken over the world. Anos decides to enroll in an academy to be the next Demon King, where his lack of power marks him as 'inept' and, with the help of a classmate, he decides to grow his strength and take his title back. The series was released through ASCII Media Works and has been a huge must read for fans.
Recently, it was revelaed that hte series would be getting its own anime adaption. Shin Onuma and Tamura Masafumi have been announced to direct the series and it will be created by animation studio SILVER LINK. Originally, the series was set to premeire in April, yet the COVID-19 had pushed the release back to an unknown date; yet thanks to a recent announcement, that is about to change.
According to the series' official Twitter, The Misfit of Demon Academy will finally be able to release this summer, following an lengthy postponement, due to COVID-19. While most returning series have settled for a simple announcement, creators of the series decided to take it a step further by even adding a new trailer and key visual! Make sure to check out the new footage below!
Excited for the new series? Planning on catching up on the light novels? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! The Misfit of Demon Academy is set to release, in Japan, on July 4th- 6th on various channels!