Released in 1990 by a mangaka by the name of CLAMP, Tokyo Babylon is a shojo series that delves into the world of horror and the occult as the main characters try to defend Tokyo from otherworldly threats. The original manga ran only for three years and released seven volumes. However, from that point, the franchise grew to include an OVA and live-action film that was released in the early 90s.
The series is now returning in a big way with an upcoming reimagining of the show titled Tokyo Babylon 2021. The new anime is planning to be a revival of the franchise as a whole, and a ton of new information was unveiled during a special live stream event held on Youtube. The event confirmed to viewers that the trio of Subaru Sumeragi, Hokuto Sumeragi, and Seishiro Sakurazuka would be voiced by Shouta Aoi, Yuichiro Umehara, and Nana Mizuki; respectively.
The event also revealed a new visual for the film that features the three main characters and a brand new trailer! It has also been confirmed that musician Shouta Aoi will be performing the opening theme while Nana Mizuki will be performing the ending theme. The series is being animated by the studio GoHands, the same studio that brought hte beautiful world of K to life.
While much information was unveiled during the live stream event, there will be even more released as its spring 2021 release inches closer. Until then, we would love to hear your thoughts on the new series and trailer in the comments below!
The series follows Subaru Sumeragi, the head of the Sumeragi clan, and his sister Hokuto as they work to protect Tokyo from a myriad of supernatural perils.
Tokyo Babylon 2021 is set to release in Japan in April 2021!