In December of 2017, comedy manga fans were introduced to Take's Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out! A series released in the pages of Niconico's Dra Dra Sharp; through Kadokawa. The series follows a young man named Sakurai, who seems always to be annoyed by the underclassman named Uzaki-chan. Could this be the start of a new friendship, or something more?
The series has been a hit for fans since its release, publishing four compiled volumes so far. The series has also recently had an anime adaption announced to release this year! The series is set to be released through ENGI and will feature director Kazuya Miura taking the reigns.
The series will feature an opening theme, titled "Negotiation by Comforting," and will be performed by Kano and Uzaki-chan voice actress Naomi Ozora. Some new casting announcements were also made! Saori Hayami will be voicing Uzaki-chan's mother, Hana Uzaki.
Fans can get a glimpse of the new opening theme in the new promo that was revealed for the series! The promo also gives a July release date and features a ton of new footage.
The series promises to have quite a lot of humor and surprises to offer. Don't forget to check out the new trailer and share your thoughts in the comments!
Sakurai Shinichi's one wish is for a little peace and quiet. But Uzaki Hana–his boisterous, well-endowed underclassman–has other plans. All she wants is to hang out and poke fun at him. With the help of her chipper charm and peppy persistence, this might just be the start of a beautiful relationship!
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! is set to release on July 10th!