Director Mamoru Oshii, best known for his work in developing the iconic film, Ghost in the Shell, has been hard at work with a brand new project. However, this new series has nothing to do with the transhumanism ideas that are presented in Ghost in the Shell.
VLADLOVE tells the story of a young girl who loves to donate blood. This strange hobby she has ended up putting her on a collision course with a strange girl who she finds, who looks deathly pale. Come to find out the young girl is actually a vampire and needs help to get home!
The series plans to run for 12 episodes and had Oshii working as executive director, producer, and screenplay writer. While that may be a lot to take on, Oshii has delegated some of the directorial work to his friend Junji Nishimura.
However, the staff would not be complete without the musical compositions of Kenji Kawai. Kawai is best known for his work in developing the easily recognizable theme from Ghost in the Shell. The show was initially going to release this fall but was forced to be delayed to a later date.
To keep fans entertained until the release, Ichigo Animation released a brand new teaser trailer for the series. The teaser shows off footage that has been described as slapstick and funny. Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot and don't forget to check out the new trailer!
Mitsugu Bamba is a high school girl who finds meaning in donating blood. She frequently visits a blood bank to donate blood, despite being harshly treated by the nurse. One day, she encounters a beautiful girl who looks like she's from overseas at the blood bank. The pale girl looks like she's about to faint any minute, but then, she starts destroying the blood bank. The girl loses consciousness and Mitsugu takes her home...
VLADLOVE is coming soon!