Released in 1987, Wicked City is a film that tells the story of a waning truce between the demon world and the human world and two agents who try to keep the peace at the 11th hour. Directed by Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and Ninja Scroll director, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, and created over at MADHOUSE.
As classic anime and film begin to gain more attention due to the nostalgia factor, a lot of hit properties are starting to come back to the public eye. One announcement about the film is its upcoming Blu-ray release on September 29th.
Another reveal, according to the streaming service HIDIVE, the film will also begin streaming on the website! The movie's subbed and dubbed version will release in the US, Canada, and Mexico later in the month!
With the film so close to release, now is the time to mark your calendars for the premiere on HIDIVE! Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Beyond the boundaries of our ordinary existence lies a dark and dreadful parallel world where demons dwell and humans dare not tread. For centuries, peace has existed between our world and theirs. To preserve that fragile balance and to ensure the survival of humankind, a new deal must be brokered, but dark and powerful forces lust to destroy the accord. When a militant group rises from the shadows, two elite agents are mobilized to counter the destructive forces and preserve the balance of our universe.
Wicked City will begin streaming on HIDIVE on August 24th!