The highly-anticipated anime feature film by Mari Okada, Alice to Tres no Maboroshi Kojo, will be released in Japan this coming Friday. In preparation for the film's release, the animation studio MAPPA has published the "final" trailer for the film, which showcases more of the characters and what they'll be going through in the film.
Watch the trailer for the Alice to Tres no Maboroshi Kojo anime film now below:
Not familiar withthe story of Alice to Tres no Maboroshi Kojo? Learn more about the upcoming anime film below!
The story follows third-year middle schooler Masamune Kikuiri (voiced by Junya Enoki), who lives in an area where a steelworks factory explosion sealed off all of the town's exits. In an effort to eventually return to normal, the town's residents are forbidden from changing, so they live their lives in a drab state of stasis. When Masamune's classmate Atsumi Sagami (Reina Ueda) takes him to the steelworks factory's blast furnace, they meet a wild girl named Itsumi (Misaki Kuno) who is unable to speak, and this chance meeting combined with the "love impulse" of the boys and girls who are ready for a change begins to upset the world's balance.
In addition to Okada writing, directing, and coming up with the original story for the anime film, the film also features Tadashi Hiramatsu as the assistant director, Yuriko Ishii as the character designer and chief animation director, Kazuki Higashiji as the art director, and Masaru Yokoyama as the music composer. The film is being produced at MAPPA, and Warner Bros. is in charge of the distribution of the film.
Alice to Tres no Maboroshi Kojo is officially set to be released in Japan on September 15 (this Friday!). This film will be following Okada's directorial debut film Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms, which was released back in 2018 and was a huge way to start her creative career.
Watch the original trailer released for the Alice to Tres no Maboroshi Kojo anime film below:
Will you be seeing the Alice to Tres no Maboroshi Kojo anime film when it officially premieres this Friday? What are your thoughts on the newest trailer for the film? Are you a fan of Mari Okada's previous works? Be sure to sound off in the comments with all your thoughts on the upcoming anime film! We're excited to see how it turns out for ourselves.