Yutaka Kōno's popular Japanese light novel, Sakurada Reset will receive a TV anime and two-part live-action film next Spring. The series centers around the town of Sakurada, where half of its residents have super powers. The two-part live-action film will be released two months apart in the Spring. The story follows two high school students - Kei Asai, who has the ability to perfectly remember everything he sees and hears and Misora Haruki , who can turn back time to a max of 3 days in the past. The duo's powers are perfectly suited to assist the town administration in solving criminal cases involving individuals with powers.
For the live-action film, Yuina Kuroshima plays Misora Haruki, Yūna Taira portrays Sumire Sōma, Shūhei Nomura plays Kei Asai, Kentarō is Tomoki Nakano, Tina Tamashiro plays Yōka Murase and Yuri Tsunematsu portrays Eri Oka. Kuroshima and Nomura introduce their characters in a video below. Yoshihiro Fukugawa will direct.
Check out an announcement teaser from the live-action cast below:
Nearly half the population of Sakurada, a small town near the Pacific Ocean, has some sort of unique power. These powers range from being able to enter the mind of a cat, to resetting the world back to a certain point in time in the past. There is a group known as the "Kanrikyoku" that controls and monitors the use of these powers. Asai Kei and Haruki Misora work for their school's club called "Houshi" club, which executes any missions received from the Kanrikyoku. Misora has the ability to reset the world 3 days. This means that all events and any memory of the past 3 days that "could have" happened, never happened. Kei has the ability to "remember" the past. Even after Misora uses her powers to reset the world back 3 days, Kei will retain those 3 days in his memory. Combining their powers, these two solve missions issued by the Kanrikyoku.