The anime spinoff of Working's manga spinoff, WWW.Working, will premire this October in Japan. The first episode will be shown today at an avanced screening in Tokyo
Titled, Web-ban Working!!, the spinoff from Karino Takatu's original Working! manga series is a four-panel web comic set at another Wagnaria!! family restaurant location. The story follows Daisuke Higashida, who secures a job at the second location due to financial hardship but just like the original location, no one who works there can be considered noraml.
Yumi Kamakura directs the A-1 Pictures production while Mayuko Nakano handles character designs and Takao Yoshioka supervises the script.
Daisuke Higashida Character Preview
"WWW.Working!!" Character Trailer | Daisuke... by pKjd
Masahiro Adachi Character Preview
"WWW.Working!!" Character Trailer | Masahiro... by pKjd