The Power Rangers reboot from Lionsgate opens with an alien Yellow Ranger's final moments of life as she gives her Power Coin to Zordon, who it turns out is the original Red Ranger. Without going into further spoilers, director Dean Israelite says the original script for the film said the scene also included the Blue, Pink and Black Rangers as well.
"There was an original drop that I read when I came onto the movie that had a more extensive battle in the beginning of the movie. And it had, I think, if I remember correctly, some of the other Power Rangers in there."
However, Isarelite stated that he changed the scene to just focus on Rita and Zordon as he wanted their conflict to be more personal and central to the overall plot of the film.
"I always wanted to make it very subjective, very personal and this kind of intimate opening that set your expectations, that you know that you're going into a superhero movie that's going to try to do something a little bit different with the genre. It's trying to be this more sort of personal character-driven story as opposed to a big fantastic opening that I think we've come to expect from a lot of movies. And I felt that the salient point, the story point, was really all about Zordon and Rita, and the rest just cluttered that drama."
Power Rangers originally hit theaters on March 22 and finished its run with an abysmal $140.2 million worldwide from an estimated production budget of $100 million. However, there's still a chance for a sequel
due to the success of the toy line. The film hit digital video services on June 13, while physical blu-ray and DVD discs hit retailer shelves on June 27.