The Date A Live series initially released as a light novel collection of 22 volumes in 2011. The series was created by Koushi Tachibana, who later went on to continue writing the series for the manga adaption.
The light novels have also been adapted as an anime series that consisted of 34 episodes and 2 OVA. The series premiered back in 2013 and continues to release new episodes. The franchise has also had a very successful video game series from Compile Heart.
The newest game in the series, Date A Live Ren Dystopia, was originally supposed to release in the summer of last year but has since moved to the fall of this year. The newest game has Tachibana attached as the writer for the original draft of the game and will also have a limited edition that includes a drama CD and a booklet with a story from the creator! Pre-orders of the game will also include another drama CD.
Recently, Compile Heart has released a brand new promo video for the game that features about three minutes of brand new footage ahead of the fall release. Make sure to check it out below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
The game's story begins on a normal night, when Shido dreams of a voice calling out from within a deep darkness. When he wakes up in the morning, he finds a box decorated with serpentine patterns by his bedside. At first he thinks it is a prank, and asks everybody about it, but something happens when he opens it.
Date A Live Ren Dystopia is coming to the PS4 on September 24th!