From 1989 to 1996, Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump rand a manga series called Dragon Quest: The Adventures of Dai. Created by Riku Sanjo and Koji Inada, the series ran for 37 volumes and has been the focal point for multiple spin-offs and other adaptions.
Since it's release, the Dragon Quest title has spawned various video game adaptions that expand the lore and even introduce other heroes! Seen in games like Super Smash Bros. and Jump Force, no other hero from the Dragon Quest franchise has been as iconic as Dai.
Recently, a new anime was confirmed that mixes both 2D and CG and brings the original anime from Toei Animation to a new audience with a new look in Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai. The original series ran for 46 episodes, and now, the new series will reintroduce a lot of classic characters that should entertain fans both new and old.
A brand new trailer has begun streaming, along with a shorter promo, which features a theme song by Macaroni Pencil. We would love to hear your thoughts on the promo in the usual spot, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below!
30-Second promo:
In the story, after the defeat of the demon lord Hadlar, all of the monsters were unleashed from his evil will and moved to the island of Delmurin to live in peace. Dai is the only human living on the island. Having been raised by the kindly monster Brass, Dai's dream is to grow up to be a hero. He gets to become one when Hadlar is resurrected and the previous hero, Avan, comes to train Dai to help in the battle. But Hadlar, announcing that he now works for an even more powerful demon lord, comes to kill Avan. To save his students, Avan uses a Self-Sacrifice spell to attack, but is unable to defeat Hadlar. When it seems that Dai and Avan's other student Pop are doomed, a mark appears on Dai's forehead and he suddenly gains super powers and is able to fend off Hadlar. The two students then go off on a journey to avenge Avan and bring peace back to the world.
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai will premiere in Japan on October 3rd!