Following the conclusion of his first hit, Fairy Tail, manga creator Hiro Mahsima took his storytelling skills to the stars with his latest series Edens Zero. What begins as a robot rebellion quickly transforms into a space-faring adventure with the main character, Shiki, and his friends.
The manga released in 2018 in the pages of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine and quickly flew up in popularity, especially following the conclusion of his past series as fans of Fairy Tail can't get enough of Mashima's style. Now, the series has hit a fever pitch with a brand new anime announced this past June!
Recently, a new announcement came that Konami Digital Entertainment will be bringing their skills to a game based on the manga and anime! While no further details were given, it is confirmed that information on both the game and anime will be given during the Tokyo Game Show 2020 Online, with Mashima confirming his attendance at the panel as well!
While there is still a lot to learn for the new game, make sure to tune in on September 26th for the panel to see what all will be discussed! Also, don't forget to share your thoughts on the news in the comments!
At Granbell Kingdom, an abandoned amusement park, Shiki has lived his entire life among machines. But one day, Rebecca and her cat companion Happy appear at the park's front gates. Little do these newcomers know that this is the first human contact Granbell has had in a hundred years! As Shiki stumbles his way into making new friends, his former neighbors stir at an opportunity for a robo-rebellion…And when his old homeland becomes too dangerous, Shiki must join Rebecca and Happy on their spaceship and escape into the boundless cosmos.
The Edens Zero game is coming soon!