Introduced in 1983 in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Buronson's Fist of the North Star was truly a one of a kind martial arts series that stood out among its contemporaries. The story was set in a post-apocalyptic world where a martial artist named Kenshiro used his skills to keep the good people safe and was occasionally forced to face some of his brothers from their dojo.
Since its release, the series has been adapted into an anime, films, and even has appeared in Bandai Namco Entertainment's Jump Force video game. There have been other series-specific games that have been released, including the Fist of the Nort Star: Ken's Rage duo.
Released for the previous generation of consoles, the games gave players the power to control Kenshiro in Dynasty Warriors-style combat. It was recently announced that the sequel would be receiving a mobile game port in Japan later this year. It now appears that pre-registration for the game is available along with a brand new trailer that perfectly captures the essence of the game.
While only releasing in Japan, there is always a possibility the game will make its way to the west. We would love to hear your thoughts on the video and new port in the comments!
Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 will arrive on mobile phones in Japan in late 2020 for iOS and Android; pre-registration is available now!