Dragon Marked for Death was released in January of this year, developer Inti Creates has done a great job keeping players coming back to the game by adding new features — which further enhance the experience for players.
Today, the developer has shared a brand-new trailer for
Dragon Marked for Death, revealing that this new update for the game is adding new dragon contracts, the option to resize the mini-map on the fly, increasing the cap for character level ups, and more.
Dragon Marked for Death is a game that, while perfectly playable in single player, focuses on the multiplayer aspect. Now that the game has seen a decrease in players, it is the best time for this new update to arrive; hopefully managing to bring back players who haven't picked up the game in a while.
Take a look:
Dragon MFD is a 2D side-scrolling action RPG game where up to 4 players can play together in either local multiplayer or online multiplayer. Refreshing, feel-good level designs based around intuitive 2D-action-based gameplay await!
Dragon Marked for Death is currently available for the Nintendo Switch.