Beginning in 2013, Natsume Akatsuki launched the utterly successful light novel series, KONOSUBA -God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! The series tells the story of a young man named Kazuma, who dies and is allowed to venture to a fantasy world. By saying yes, he also takes his absentminded wish giver, Aqua. From this point forward, Kazuma ends up building a travel group to defeat the Devil King and send Aqua back to her realm.
The light novel series was an instant success, recent completing this past spring, and managed even to spawn a manga. The comic released back in 2014 in Monthly Dragon Age and is continuing!
After the success of the light novel series and the manga, an anime was the next world for the series to explore. Running for about a year, the anime was created by Studio Deen and directed by Takaomi Kanasaki. The series has had an English dub released and is even streaming on Crunchyroll!
After delving into the video game world once, the success has given the creators reason to bring another game into the franchise. However, this one is not what anyone is expecting. KONOSUBA -God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Love For This Tempting Attire is, on its own, a game about making clothes. However, through quest gathering, the player can get materials to make various types of clothing.
The new game is going to be developed by 5pg and MAGES while announcing a release for the fall. Make sure to share your thoughts on the latest game in the comments!
The game's all-new story begins when Kazuma's party finds a "Black Slate," a magical item that has the ability to make clothes. However, they are accused once more by Sena, this time for theft of the Slate, and are threatened with banishment. Even worse, Kazuma finds out that the Slate is also cursed to make anyone's desire the opposite. With the usual masochistic Darkness turned into a ruthlessly sadistic queen, the top loli Megumin turned into the founder of a lolita confederacy, and the dysfunctional Aqua turned into an actual proper goddess, Kazuma must find a way to make clothes that satisfy their desires and return them to normal.
KONOSUBA -God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Love For This Tempting Attire is set to release, in Japan, on PS4 and Switch on September 24th!