Last week, a devastating fire that took the lives of over 30 people, in the
Kyoto Animation studio building, has ripped a whole into the hearts of a country and those who knew of the studio alike. The recovery process for the people involved has been hard and made even harder as the identifications for those that did not make it have not yet been completed. While those affected grieve, the company has asked for assistance in many ways. For those that wish to help but are not living in the area or know what they could do, donations are being accepted where the money goes directly to the injured , families of the deceased, and to rebuild. For those that wish to donate, account information has been given below.
Bank Name: The Kyoto Shinkin Bank
Branch Name: Monami Momoyama Branch
Branch Number: 048
Address: 16-50, Yosai, Momoyama-cho, Hushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-hu, 612-8016, Japan
Account Number: 0002890
Account Holder: Kyoto Animation, Co., Ltd., representative director Hatta Hideaki (Hideaki Hatta)
For those that wish to lend a helping hand after this devastating event, this could be one of the most effective ways to help those in need. If not the studio will always appreciate the collective support and prayers.