In 2014, Kohei Horikoshi released the superhero manga series, My Hero Academia. The series told the story of a young boy who was given superpowers by his favorite hero. Once his powers emerge, he enrolls in the hero academy so he can train to be the number one hero.
The series was a huge hit and helped usher in a new era of highly successful shonen. As of now, the series is ongoing and has spawned four seasons and two movies of a successful anime, a potential live-action film coming, and the release of two games from Bandai Namco Entertainment.
When the original fighting game, My Hero One's Justice released for consoles, many fans adored the game but cited a lot of room for improvement. Some of the issues included a limited roster and options. Aside from that, the game managed to encapsulate the powers of each hero truly.
As the first game began to take off, it wasn't long before the sequel came into focus. My Hero One's Justice 2 was released in 2018 with the promise to blow the first game out of the water. With a ton of new character options, gameplay improvements, and overall perfected experience, the game was a massive success.
One of the newest updates to the game features a newly released English dub track for the game; the free update features all of the voices from the dub cast. One of the paid DLCs that is coming begins the season pass and new character pack.
Hawk's is a new character introduced to the series and has been a smash hit with the fans of the series. Recently, a new trailer was released that features his gameplay as the first downloadable character in the season pass.
With Hawk's swooping in, it's safe to assume that the game just got a whole new level of action added. Make sure to check out the new trailer and share your thoughts in the usual spot!
The powerful beings of MHA clashing in battle are a perfect fit for a fighting game adaptation.Battles in My Hero One’s Justice 2 are frantic 3D affairs, with each character sporting a selection of fast paced combos, ranged attacks and extravagant super moves to destroy their opponent.
Hawks is available on My Hero One's Justice 2 for download now!