In 2018, a new addition to the Naruto Video game franchise was released by Bandai Namco Entertainment titled Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Strikers. The game allows players the option to customize their own ninja and compete in team-based battles.
The game has had multiple DLC characters added that give players the option to play as some of the classic characters in the series. Following a lot of similar gameplay styles as Dragon Ball Xenoverse, the game is the most immersive for the franchise yet.
However, due to its long time being released, the game has not had many updates. Yet in a recent reveal from Bandai Namco Entertainment, that has changed.
A recent Twitter announcement has revealed that the Season Pass DLC 3 is coming this year! As of now, no further details were given on what to expect, but its safe to assume anything is possible!
With the current DLC on its way, its time to brush up on the ninja skills before diving back in! Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments!
The Naruto franchise is back with a brand new experience in NARUTO TO BORUTO: SHINOBI STRIKER! This new game lets gamers battle as a team of 4 to compete against other teams online! Graphically, SHINOBI STRIKER is also built from the ground up in a completely new graphic style. Lead your team and fight online to see who the best ninjas are!