Bandai Namco US has shared a tweet that contains new images of Yugi in action with his signature card, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. The pictures include 4 new stills where we can see the basic model for the characters.
Yugi is using both cards as a defensive wall between him and his opponent, giving hints to the summoning style of fighting.
He will mainly be using cards and summoning characters to do his bidding, staying out of the fight himself. Bandai stated he will duel with the heart of cards obviously!
Both magicians seem to be modeled classically and they don't have any changes on their design. In the promo pic that includes all of them, we can see Slifer the Sky Dragon as well.
We don't know if that will be a Yugi summon or if it is there for show, however, given that he has summoned the dragon before, the most probable thing is that it is indeed a summon.