Released in January of this year as a Nintendo Switch exclusive title, Inti Creates'
Dragon Marked for Death is still being supported by the developers — who have done a great job keeping things interesting for players by adding new content fairly regularly.
Today, developer Inti Creates has released a new patch update video that gives players even more information about what is being added to
Dragon Marked for Death — which go from new levels of difficulty for some of the game's quest, to new options that make navigating the menus easier.
Inti Creates also reveals that playable characters will now be able to reach level 90, which means that brand-new weapons and accessories are also being added; something that will definitely come in handy when players tackle the new 100 difficulty levels.
The following is the full list of updates this new patch is bringing, and don't forget to watch the patch update video, which will be posted right below the list.
Ver. 2.3.0 (Updated Dec. 20 2019)
① Playable characters can now reach level 90. In accordance with the new level cap, Level 81~90 weapons and accessories have also been added.
② Playable characters can now enter new dragon contracts. Choose the "Enter a Contract" option when you visit Atruums' Den and use the "Dragonite" item to change your character's current contract. The Empress has a new Thunder contract, the Warrior has a new Poison contract, the Shinobi has a new Ice contract, and the Witch has a new Wind contract.
③ Handy new options have been added to the mid-quest sub-menu. Options to display a guide marker highlighting your character, control screen shake, and 3 new types of dash controls have been added.
④ The following quests have new level 100 difficulty levels: "The Ogre Fort", "Sea of Tumult”, "Werewolf Hunting”, "The Bell Tolls”, "Undying Dragon”, "Twin Dragon's End”, "Unearthed Royalty”, "The Castle Burns”, "Eastern Treasures”, "Invisible Anger”, "Calamity's Portent”, "They Come from Hell”, "Dragons' Struggle”, "Infernal Labyrinth”, "Resurging Flames”, "Hidden Hell”, "Truth in Heaven”, "Soul Vessel”, "Marked For Death”, "The Dragon's Hoard”
⑤ Floors B101-B110 have been added to the "Cavern of Torment" quest.
Take a look:
Dragon MFD is a 2D side-scrolling action RPG game where up to 4 players can play together in either local multiplayer or online multiplayer. Refreshing, feel-good level designs based around intuitive 2D-action-based gameplay await!
Dragon Marked for Death is currently available for the Nintendo Switch.