In 2008, video game developer Atlus launched the fourth installment of the hit RPG franchise, Persona. Persona 4 released on the PlayStation 2 console and was a smash hit on release and skyrocketing the Persona franchise to the level of fame it has had even today.
Since the game's initial release, Persona 4 has seen a 26-episode anime adaption released and even an expanded version of the game titled Persona 4 Golden. The expanded version further created more spin-offs that included another anime adaption.
The characters of the game have also been featured in various other spin-offs that include a fighting game titled Persona 4 Arena and numerous other crossover games that feature characters from other Persona titles. Considering how many outlets the game has been featured in, there was always a wonder of if and when fans would get a PC port of the game.
Thankfully, that wait is over with the release of Persona 4 Golden on Steam! With the release, there was also a promo trailer released, to get fans more excited. The trailer features footage from the port along with other goodies featured in the digital deluxe edition that include a digital artbook and a nine-track soundtrack! The announcement also came that the game would be available for $19.99.
With the release of Persona 4 Golden on Steam, fans will have every opportunity to play one of Atlus' most beloved titles. Make sure to check out the trailer, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
The story revolves around Yu Narukami, a young teenager who moves to the town of Inaba, where a mysterious string of murders is taking place. Upon discovering a distorted TV World and acquiring a mysterious power known as "Persona," Yu and his friends decide to investigate the murders and save others from being killed.
Persona 4 Golden is now available on Steam!