The Shining of Terapagos, an anime series, kicked off its latest arc last Friday with a Japanese broadcast of Pokémon Horizons. To commemorate the occasion, a new teaser for the arc was published, offering fresh visuals and an insight into the anime's narrative.
Check out the official Twitter reveal down below to watch the new teaser trailer for yourself!
Anime Poster Visual
In keeping with the rotating cast of Rising Volt Tacklers members and the main characters performing in each episode, the ending theme song "RVR \Rising Volt Tacklers Rap~" has been updated with new lyrics and different parts sung by the performers with the start of the new arc.
Ryogo Matsumaru, was interviewed about the lyrics for the song, and said:
When I was writing the first lyrics, I wanted to make a song that would be loved for a long time and that everyone from children to adults would want to hum when listening to it. So, I'm really happy to be able to create a new version! The new lyrics are fun and will make you want to try your hand at rapping.In the first version, "Where are you going with Pokemon!?" I received footage of a lot of Pokédads singing on the program, so I'd be happy if more Pokédads would sing again. I'm looking forward to it!
The first new protagonists in the franchise's history are featured in the newest Pokémon anime, Pokémon Horizons: The Series in the West, which debuted in Japan on April 14 under the direction of Saori Den at OLM. The show will eventually be available internationally some time this year. We'll keep you updated on the official release date details as they are revealed!
Not familiar with the series? Minori Suzuki, who plays Rico, recently gave an interview about the series and described it down below:
It's been half a year since the new series started, but I feel like I'm in the middle of a deep adventure both as Rico and myself. After meeting Nyaoha, Riko was able to express her feelings little by little.The second chapter begins with Roy, Hogeta, and the Rising Voltechers in order to make Terrapagos' wish come true. We will set off on a new adventure together with everyone. I would like you to pay attention to the Pokemon you will meet in the future, and I think we will be able to deliver even more of the charming world of Pokemon to everyone, so please look forward to it.
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