Created by Yu Suzuki, the video game franchise Shenmue began in 1999 and told a story of family, love, and revenge. The third-person adventure series mixes in martial arts action in its story, which has helped solidify it as one of the most iconic and loved franchises coming out of SEGA.
Over the weekend, the streaming service, Crunchyroll, has been conducting its first-ever Virtual Crunchyroll Expo (V-CRX). During the expo, an announcement was made that both Crunchyroll and Adult Swim would be partnering to bring the classic game series to life in animated form!
One Punch Man director Sakurai Chikara will helm the series, and it promises to have all of the elements that have made the franchise great and more! Recently, a video was released during the panel for the series that sheds more light on what to expect from the show, with Suzuki and Chikara answering some questions about the show.
While the video is not very long, it is evident that both creators are willing to pour their hearts and souls into this project and bring the best quality series possible. Make sure to check out the video below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
After he witnesses his father’s murder at the family dojo, Ryo Hazuki dedicates his life to finding the man responsible - a mission that takes him from the streets of Yokosuka, Japan to the sprawling metropolis of Hong Kong, and beyond. Soon he'll learn that larger, mystical forces are at play as he trains to become the ultimate martial artist in his quest for revenge.
Shenmue is coming soon to Adult Swim in the US and Crunchyroll outside of Japan and mainland China.