In 2013, Reki Kawahara released the light novel series, Sword Art Online. The series, which centered around Kirito as he and other gamers are stuck in a virtual reality game and have to survive to get out, was entirely self published and was such a hit with fans, that it even spawnedan anime series. The anime was just as much of a hit as the light novels were and even spawned multiple spin-offs and films.
The most recent series, Sword Art Online: Alicization, has reinvigorated the fan base with an awesome new story and pristine visuals and animations. The most recent film, Sword Art Online Alicization War of the Underworld, recently had its release delayed, forcing fans to have to wait a bit longer. However, the wait will not seem so far away thanks to Bandai Namco Entertainment.
Bandai Namco Entertainment has a brand new video game coming down the pipeline, titled Sword Art Online Alicization: Lycoris. The game is set to follow its own story and feature awesome JRPG mechanics and stunning visuals. Recently, a new trailer was revealed that features a brand new look at the avatar customization system. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new game? Planning on picking up a copy! Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! Sword Art Online Alicization: Lycoris, is set to release on PS4 and Xbox One and PC on July 10th!