The official Tales of Crestoria Twitter account has shared the full version of the concept movie developed by Yasutaka Nakata and Kamikaze Douga. The tweet states that surprises are waiting for fans of the series, heavy action with Kanata, Misella and Vicious ensues and fans will not want to miss the last part of the video.
The account also shared information on the staff behind the project, for instance, Yasutaka Nakata is a legend in the Electro scene in Japan, producing dance music and "Kawaii" (cute) sound. Kamikaze Douga is a studio with "revolutionary visuals", "innovative directors" and has previous work like Batman Ninja and POP TEAM EPIC.
The game will release its English version on 2019 and will also hit Japan in the same year. Bandai will give more information on the game in a special livestream on December 14. This game is part of the Tales of series which began on December 1995 with the release of Tales of Phantasia, the latest release is Tales of Berseria, which hit markets on August 2016. Every entry in this series uses a unique font and styling. Bandai Namco and Namco Tales Studio are behind these projects.
(The following paragraph has been added to follow the previously released story blurb.)
In response to Vicious’ question, the two resolve to face themselves and live with the burden of their sin. With the new power of “Bloodsin” at their disposal, they look for a place to rest and begin a new journey alongside Vicious.
Mark of Sin
A mark appears on body part of those acknowledged as sinners. A person branded with this mark becomes a “criminal,” who are chased down by Enforcers. The positioning of the mark differs depending on the sin itself.
Mark of Bloodsin
When a criminal resolves to carry the burden of their sin, and overcomes Vicious’ selection, their Mark of Sin will transform into this new mark.
When a person’s sin is accepted and embedded into their blood, it can take on the form of a weapon. This weapon can be withdrawn using the magic emitted by the Mark of Bloodsin.
Tales of Crestoria hits the West in 2019