Initially created as a game for the Nintendo DS, Square Enix's The World Ends With You sees the main character, Neku, transported to a world eerily similar to his but still not his own. To make it back home in one piece, he and a partner he meets in this new world are tasked with completing missions while combating dangerous monsters.
Since its release, the game has not only been a success but has also become a beloved favorite for fans. Neku has even made his way into Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance for the 3DS, where he aided Sora. A new anime has been announced by Square Enix and is set to release in 2021!
Developed by the company, Square has released a trailer for the series that looks at its unique animation and color palette. The show's official Twitter has also released a brand new visual for the series that decides to show off the city of Shibuya with a bit more color, rather than the expected black and white background.
The new series is doing its best to stand out from its predecessor, and by the looks of things, it shouldn't have a problem doing so. We would love to hear your thoughts on the show and the visual in the comments below!
Race through the streets of Shibuya and survive the seven-day Reapers’ Game!
Neku awakens in the middle of Shibuya’s bustling Scramble Crossing with no memory of how he got there. Little does he know he’s been transported to an alternate plane of existence known as the Underground (UG). Now an unwilling participant in the mysterious “Reapers’ Game,” Neku must partner up with a girl named Shiki in order to survive. Together, they complete missions and defeat monsters known as “Noise” as they gradually uncover the true nature of this twisted Game.
“There’s only one way to stay alive in Shibuya: trust your partner.”
Will they survive the Reapers’ Game?
The World Ends With You The Animation is set to debut in 2021!