2020 is shaping up to be a big year for the Sakura Wars franchise. With a new anime coming at the beginning of April, SEGA is planning on bringing their most recent console installment, Sakura Wars (titled New Sakura Wars in Japan), to the West. Originally released in December of last year, the game takes place 12 years after Sakura Wars V and follows Seijuro Kamiyama as he builds and leads a force to fight against the Kouma, who have returned.
A brand new combat trailer was streamed for the game, that shows off a lot of new gameply and gives an idea of what to expect for the release. The game will also feature a slew of different add-ons depending on if fans purchase digitally or physically. Make sure to check out the trailer below!
Excited for the new game? Ready to take on more enemies in state of the art mechs?
Sakura Wars releases, in the West, on April 28th and the new anime series premieres on April 3rd!