In 2013, Shinichi Ishizuka released the manga series Blue Giant in Shogakukan's Big Comic magazine. The series tells the story of Miyamoto Dai, as he discovers his passion for jazz and the saxaphone. WIth no training, he practices every day to get better and better. The series was a massive hit, winning the grand prize, in manga, in 2017's 20th Japan Media Arts Festival Awards . The series was so successful that after its ending, in 2016, a sequel series began.
Blue Giant Supreme began in 2016. The sequel series covers the jounry of Dai, as he makes his way from Sendai and Tokyo, to Europe. The series has been just as good as the original manga and has still mangaged to captivate its audience with each volume. The series, as of now, has ran for about three years, however, a recent update of the series has revealed that the end of the series is upon readers.
In the most recent issue of Big Comic magazine, this Saturday, Blue Giant Supreme had released its final chapter. The manga series tenth volume released this past February, so it is safe to assume that the 11th volume should release in a few months and be the mangas final volume. The original series, however, is planning to release the original series' ten volumes in a five volume omnibus, thanks to Seven Seas Entertainment.
Sad to see the series end? Excited to collect the volumes of older series, and the current one? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! The first volume in the Blue Giant omnibus is set to release on October 27th!