Based on Liber Entertainment's smartphone game, A3! Spring and Summer is an anime series that follows a young woman who, with all options exhausted, turns to promising the Yakuza's loan sharks that she will bring her father's all male theater back to life. With that the next challenge comes in training the young talent, before the curtin rises.
Where the smartphone game's main mechanic is to train actors; the new series follows this logic but allows more time to delve into the various actors and the sereis also plans to cover the narrative with a seasonal structure. The first half plans to be covered during spring and summer and then the second half ending up beign autumn and winter.
Recently, a brand new promo was released that showcases some footage covering the series' first half, spring nad summer. The series had experienced a delay in its first episode, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the series having premiered this past January, this hiatus slowed a lot down for the series. However, the new promo promises to reinvigorate excitement for the series. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new series? Ready to continue through the sesaons? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! A3! Spring and Summer continues on April 6th and the Autumn and Winter half of the series is set to premiere in October.