Sou Hamayumiba's Dropout Idol Fruit Tart is a series that follows a young girl named Ino Sakura, who decides to leave school and travel to Tokyo to become an idol. On her adventures she meets a model, former child star and musician and decide to form the Fruit Tart idol crew. The manga originally began in 2014 as a one-shot and continued as an ongoing series in 2015.
In more recent news, it was revealed that a brand new anime series, based on the manga, would be coming to the small screen. Not long after that news, the website for the series released a new trailer. Make sure to check out the brand new trailer below!
Excited for the new series? Curious to see the hilarious situations that await the Fruit Tarts? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments and tune in July for the premiere of
Dropout Idol Fruit Tart, in Japan!