A new, exciting and unique anime series will be making its way to HIDIVE. Future Folktales is a childrens and family series that tells the story of Saudi Arabian folklore, in an anthology style. The series is partnering with Toei Animation and Saudi Arabian company Manga Productions. This series marks one of the early projects that Manga Productions and Toei Animation have worked on together. The first being "The Woodcutter's Treasure" back in 2017.
Sentai Filmworks also recently announced that they have licensed the series and, when the time comes, will release it on home video. This will be great for people who haven't been able to experience the series as it airs. The show offers a lot of inclusivity as viewers will be able to sit with the grandchildren of the elderly Asmaa as she reads them old folktales, in the year 2055.
The series is set to have a total of thirteen episodes, with plans to release in the spring, while also airing on HIDIVE. This is especially timely with the majority of the world's families at home together; allowing this series to act as a great family bonding series. While not much more news has been released, it is safe to assume more updates will come in time.
Excited for the new series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! Future Folktales is set to release, in Japan, on April 4th and will also be streaming on HIDIVE!