The lighthearted hilarity of the anime crossover series, Isekai Quartet, sees characters from hit anime like Overlord, Re: Zero, KONOSUBA, The Saga of Tanya the Evil, and The Rising of the Shield Hero; meeting in a series of classroom shorts. The comedy mounts due to the more childlike designs of the characters and the bright colors.
The most recent series, Isekai Quartet 2, found new characters from The Rising of the Shield Hero, entering the world and meeting the new characters. While the series has only been airing, as a whole, since last year; the seasons seem to keep coming and with no signs of slowing down.
After completing the second season of the series, the final episode left fans with the promise that there would be another sequel to the anime that would be coming. With this awesome news leaving many fans incredibly happy, it begs the question of what characters would be included next season.
With this news, it is safe to assume that what ever will be coming, will only add to the shows charming personality. Excited for season 3? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments and make sure to catch up on the previous seasons on Crunchyroll and Funimation!