A new spin-off series to the Strike Witches series is coming to small screens. Allied Air Force Magical Idols Luminous Witches tells the story of a different division of young witches. Instead of taking on hordes of Neuroi, these witches maintain the most important aspect of their war, happiness. These witches don't fight, instead they perform songs and shows to lift the spirits of those who have been pushed out of their homes because of the war.
The new series has announced that the animation studio SHAFT, will be working on the series and Kadokawa will be producing the music. Original character designer Humikane Shimada has also been announced to be working on the designs for the new witches. Veteran Strike Witches director Shouji Saeki will be directing the new series and Shinya Murakami will be handling the "Witches series literature", as well.
A brand new animated promo has also been released that shows off the great, new animation, for the series. Make sure to check it out below and get an idea of what the series will be like once it officially airs!
Excited for the new series? Ready to learn more about the world of Strike Witches? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Allied Air Force Magical Idols Luminous Witches will be coming to small screens in 2021!