Aniplex of America's Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl film is an adaptation of the sixth and seventh volumes of Hajime Kamoshima's light novel series, Seishun Buta Yaro. While the anime film originally screened in October in both USA and Canada for two days only, the title is now scheduled for a Blu-ray Disc release.
During the film's theatrical run in Japan, the movie opened at #7 and earned a total of $3.43 million. Also last July, Aniplex screened the film at the Anime Expo in the United States.
Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl's Blu-ray Disc release will come with more than just a film. Packaged with exclusive art, scene design materials, character reference guides, and storybook art, the combination is the perfect package for fans of the anime.
What do you think? Will you be checking out the Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl film this June? Check out the trailer and synopsis below and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section!
In Fujiwara, where the skies are bright and the seas glisten, Sakuta Azusagawa is in his second year of high school. His blissful days with his girlfriend and upperclassman, Mai Sakurajima, are interrupted with the appearance of his first crush, Shoko Makinohara. For reasons unknown, he encounters two Shokos: one in middle school and another who has become an adult.
As Sakuta finds himself helplessly living with Shoko, the adult Shoko leads him around by the nose, causing a huge rift in his relationship with Mai. In the midst of all this, he discovers that the middle school Shoko is suffering from a grave illness and his scar begins to throb…
Rascal Does Not Dream Of A Dreaming Girl will be available on Blu-ray Disc in North America starting June 30th.