In 2017, Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine released the manga, Rent-A-Girlfriend. The series was created by Reiji Miyajima and told the story of a young, down on his luck young man, who uses a Rent-A-Girlfriend app. At first, everything is excellent, but as time goes on, he finds that things may be more complicated than the app described.
The manga was a hit upon release, being one of the more entertaining romantic comedies out there right now. A few years after the release of the manga, a brand new anime was announced to be coming out. The series is being developed over at TMS Entertainment and has a great group of talent working on the project.
The anime is set to be directed by Kazuomi Koga (Rainy Cocoa) and written by Mitsutaka Hirota (Nanbaka). Some of the new talents that will be working on the series include Fumiko Ishiguro, Minoru Akiba, Shintaro Sakai, and Yumiko Nakaba as the color key artist, art director, director of photography and editor, respectively.
Recently, a brand new trailer for the show was released, that features a ton of new footage. The trailer also features the voice work of Shun Horie as Kazuya. All of this comes ahead of the live stream event that is set to air on June 13th.
The new series seems to be a fun time for the viewers and is shaping up to be a heartwarming and funny series. But will it be a hit? Make sure to share what you think in the usual spot, and don't forget to check out the new promo!
In Japan, the lonely have a new way out — online services that rent out dads, children, even girlfriends! When Kazuya's true love dumps him, he's just desperate enough to try it, and he's shocked at how cute and sweet his rental girlfriend turns out to be. But she wants to keep their "relationship" a secret, and there's a complication... she goes to his university... and their grandmothers are in the same home... and they live next door to each other?! And Kazuya finds out she's not nearly as nice in "real life"..
Rent-A-Girlfriend premieres on July 10th!