Being no stranger to creating multimedia franchises, Bushiroad has also created a franchise titled Revue Starlight. Beginning as a live show titled Shogo Kageki Revue Starlight: The LIVE, the success of the franchise ended up spawning a hit anime series.
Following the success of the series, another was greenlit titled Shojo Konto All Starlight, which seems to still be in development. However, while content on the small screen may be sparse, a new compilation film was released, after a long hiatus due to COVID-19, titled Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight Rondo Rondo Rondo.
With the release of the new film, there were even more surprises in store for the franchise, which included an after-credits teaser to a new movie! While no official synopsis or title has been revealed, it can be confirmed, thanks to the new footage, that the film will release sometime in 2021.
Will a new film spawn even more series and spin-offs? We would love to hear your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
After receiving a mysterious invitation to audition for a coveted spot with, Starlight, a popular musical revue troupe, star-struck contestants begin honing their talents and competing against each other for a chance of a lifetime. Among the hopefuls are childhood friends, Karen and Hikari, who once promised each other that they would take the stage together. With each contender working tirelessly hard to win, it's the girls' passionate dedication to their lifelong dream that'll truly transform their performances as the curtains rise.
Revue Starlight will release in Japan in 2021!