In 2011, Gakuto Mikumo launched the light novel series Strike the Blood. The series followed a character who is said to be the strongest vampire ever and a young girl who is given the task to watch over said vampire and maybe even hunting him down; should he get out of line. Not long after the light novel series, 2012 saw the release of the mang aadaption, which premiered in the pages of Kadokawa's Monthly Comic Dengeki Daioh.
The printed series was such a success that, in 2013, a 24 episode anime series was released. After its success, two OVA seasons were later released that also reached critical acclaim. The series has been an anime staple since its release, and has shown no signs of stopping yet, even streaming on Crunchyroll. Strike the Blood III was the most recent OVA to complete, back in 2019 and has covered up to volume 17 of the light novel series.
Each OVA usually contians about 10 episodes; Strike the Blood IV being the most recent release. The first two episodes of the OVA released for home video back in April of this year. Originally, episodes three and four were set to release at the end of June but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, have now been postponed to a later summer release. While this can seem like a setback, It is just another one of the many anime that have been forced to delay releases. Thankfully, this particular series does, in fact, have a date it plans to return.
Sad for the delay? Hoping to see the new episodes soon? Share your thoughts in the comments section! Strike the Blood IV is set to release its 2nd volume on July 29th!