Tsutomu Satou's light novel series The Irregular at Magic High School released to massive acclaim among fans, the book even spawned a manga series that was called The Honor Student at Magic High School, by Yu Mori. The series later had a 26 episode anime that released back in 2014 and a film, directed by Risako Yoshida, that released in 2017. By that time it was literaly just a waiting game, in regards to when a second season would be coming down the pipeline.
Recently, that announcement finally came as it was stated that a second season for the series would be on its way. The season us set to cover the visitor arc of the series (volumes 9-11). The best part about the series return is that the main cast is set to return and Risako Yoshida returning to direct the series at 8-Bit, and there is further inspiration for the series, thanks to Majiko!'s manga adaption. However, the only thing is that fans will have to wait just a bit longer for the series to release, than expected.
An announcement from the series' main website has stated that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the season would have to be pushed back to an October release, instead of its original July release. While this is not the only series to suffer from this, it still is a bit sad that the premiere must be held back.
Sad for the delay? Planning on watching the previous episodes? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!